Ph.D in Management

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Ph.D in Management


The Doctoral Program (Ph.D. Program) in Management of the Purbanchal University aims at developing high quality of research students in the field of management. The Ph.D. program will help in the advancement of knowledge responding to global, regional, national and local needs and enhancing quality of teaching and faculty development in the field of management through independent and original research.


1.1 The Ph.D. program of the Faculty of Management (FOM) shall be conducted by the Research Committee (hereafter called Management Research Committee or MRC) constituted under the chairmanship of the Dean of the FOM, Purbanchal University and member secretary will be PhD Program Director, Purbanchal University

1.2 Notwithstanding anything contained, the Ph.D. program of the FOM shall be regulated by the rules and procedures mentioned in this regulations.

Title and Commencement

2.1These regulations shall be called the 'Regulations Governing Ph.D. Degree in Management '.

2.2The Ph.D. program of the Faculty of Management (FOM), leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) shall be regulated by these rules and  be applicable to those students who seek registration for the Ph.D. Program of the FOM of the Purbanchal University after regulations comes into force as mentioned in 2.3

2.3These regulations shall come into force immediately after the approval of the Academic Council of the Purbanchal University.


Candidates, who satisfy the following conditions from any groups mentioned below, are eligible to seek enrollment for Ph.D., which opens once a year.


Notwithstanding anything stated in this by-law, for any unforeseen issues arising, and not covered by the by-laws, or in the event of difference of interpretation, the decision of the PU Research Council shall be final.

Proposed Fee Structure for Ph.D Program


Fee Structure (Ph.D.)

Amount (NPR)


Ph.D Registration



Course (one and half year) fee Per Semester



Application Form (Ph.D)



Entrance Fee (Ph.D)



Refundable Deposit




Total Fees Rs. 1,70,000

Subject to change as decided by the Executive Council of Purbanchal University